I am Shubham Sharma , Today I am sharing my views on Jetpacks.

Who has not dreamed of flying a bird 🐦, easily without effort, as you can move from one point to another through the air?

Many have dreamed to flying light, easy to drive with sufficient autonomy.To go to his office and jump over the traffic jam.

We observed a rocket powered set/reaction , by a helicopter 🚁.jet engine then we got a idea .We made a Jetpacks.

Jetpacks developed by Bell Textron for U.S. Army 1961 .

Jetpack is also known as jetpack , rocket belt and rocket pack.

Concept based on science fiction.

The basic principle on which a jetpack works is Newton's Third law ( every action has an equal and opposite reaction ).The hot gas produced when fuel is burned in the combustion chamber shoots downwards , which in turn produces an upward thrust .

A jetpack is basically a miniature rocket , which sounds awesome.

Jet Pack

It's a device in which we used for jets of gas or liquid to propel through the air.

It can fly 3000 feet.

Jetpack mostly used in game ( Subway surfers) .

Thanks for reading 😊


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